Sunday, March 22, 2009


Piracy is a vastly growing problem in the media industry. In the past few years the rate of piracy has increased tremendously due to the fact that media industries are helping make piracy easier to commit through faster and better internet access, software programs that can be installed to computers to pirate movies and technological loopholes in movie discs. The three main types of piracy are optical piracy, camcord piracy, and internet piracy. While internet piracy is the most prevelant because of easy access, all piracy is against the law and is punishable.

During the class discussion a few questions were raised as to 'how is piracy being faught?' One act that was passed in 2005 by President George W. Bush was TAP. Tactics for Auction Piracy was imporant to media industries because it proved to piraters that actions will be taken against them if they continue to break the law. In 2005 the Motion Pictures Association of America; which contains all of the major studios such as Paramount Pictures, Warner Brothers, and a few more, lost over $3.8 billion dollars in the United States alone.

Other questions asked were if piracy would be controlled or would continue to be a growing worldwide problem. Most of the student responses were that it would remain about the same rate it is now. Advances in technology allow hackers, and piraters to quickly find loopholes that the engineers were not ready for. By the time that that loopholes are closed a new one is opened. Students said it is a constant cat and mouse game that would take serious advances in technology to completely stop piraters.

Piracy will continue to be a problem in the near future and it is unknow for how long. The main actions that people can do right now it to not pirate music, movies and other forms of entertainment. The more music and movies that are stolen, the less money those industries have to create new media for our entertainment.

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