Monday, April 30, 2018

How Consumers Control the Network on Instagram

The question of the week was concerning internet and asked "Who Controls the Network?'.

With the continual advances in communication through technology, social media apps have taken a significant role in networking. I discussed how the social media app, Instagram, portrays that consumers control the network. Instagram uses user generated content, so it allows a user to both contribute to and consume the media. As sites, like Instagram, that are full of user generated content take more users, their value increases. I discussed how Instagram makes it hard for its competitors, like Vero, to enter into the market and gather users because Instagram has already formed a strong following and community of consumers. Consumers control the network on Instagram by contributing personal, political, or business content. They are able to control what they post, who they follows, who follows them, etc. Instagram allows businesses, and every day users, to advertise and market whatever they want and control what their followers see. I asked the class if they would be willing to switch over to new apps like Vero after establishing a presence on their current favorite social media. Most of them who answered said no and I would agree. I would not want to switch over apps because I have already established followers, a "portfolio" of pictures and much more all for free. I would not want to have to pay for an app like Vero. I believe that consumers control Instagram because they own the content they post, according to Instagram's Terms of Service, and they are able to chose what to post, who to follow, what they want to see, etc.

Beal, V. (n.d.). Instagram. Retrieved from

DeMers, J. (2017, March 28). Why Instagram Is The Top Social Platform For Engagement (And How To Use It). Retrieved from

Heinonen, K. (2011). Consumer activity in social media: Managerial approaches to consumers' social media behavior. Journal Of Consumer Behaviour, 10(6), 356-364.

Instagram Help Center. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Luca, Michael(2015). Chapter 12 - User-Generated Content and Social Media. Handbook of Media  Economics, (1), (563-592).

Puzylo, E. (2016, October). How Instagram puts consumers in charge of a social media strategy. Retrieved from

Straubhaar and LaRose, (2016) Media Now, Tenth Edition, Wadsworth.

Tait, A. (2018, February 27). Vero: Why the "new Instagram" is anything but. Retrieved from

[timesleadervideo]. (2013, January 6). Local Businesses Use Instagram As Marketing Tool. [Video File]. Retrieved from

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