Monday, April 5, 2010

HDTV & 3D Television

Thursday April 1st was the day that I presented my case study over the way that Television has been affected by older media forms. Television has come a long way ever since it was created in 1946. The biggest difference that comes with today’s televisions is that they are beginning to be developed to be viewed in HDTV and in 3D. Thanks to the development and evolution of old media, new media forms come equipped with high quality technology that makes the audience seem as if they were viewing live. What I did was present a brief history of how television was invented and the changes it went through leading up to the newest form of television which is in 3D.

Something that I noticed about my presentation which really enthused me was that everyone was really talkative about my topic. Everyone had heard about this new version of television and everyone had their own opinion. I felt that my presentation had a nice flow to it and I felt that my discussion really interested my classmates. I felt that the other presenters had really interesting topics and it was good to learn about who and how the rating of television programs is processed. Another thing that I really enjoyed was hearing about the PBS corporation and taking down a trip through memory lane as I we heard about our childhood programs like The Magic School Bus. These presentations really enhanced my knowledge over the media and how the older forms have informed the new media markets. If it wasn't for the past, all these new forms of technology would have never been possible. It was interesting learning about these other corporations and the way that they have been changing over the years. In response to the question "How do older forms of media inform new media markets?" I would have to say that they inform them through the mistakes that have been made and also by the changes that have been made. The past is of course the foundation to many of these inventions and without them these new media markets would have not been possible.

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