Thursday, September 1, 2011

What exactly is "New Media"?

The term "new media" has been an important topic within media studies used to discuss the difference between digital, networked technologies and older forms of media. But what exactly is "new media" is a subject pf great debate and discussion. Based on today's class lecture how would you respond to the questions: What is "new" about new media? Post your responses here as a comment.


Anonymous said...

New media is media recently created that combines old forms of media together to make it more widely usable and easier to manage.

mkdudley said...

A general overview of new media is that it is media which is interactive and can reach out to many types of audiences, where production is transparent and consumers and producers begin to interact. What is "new" about new media is that it deals with convergence and changes with culture.

LindseyK said...

According to today's lecture, new media is interactive and digital. It is a many to many model where consumers can be producers also. It contains specialized audiences and the production is more transparent.

Emily Ferriss said...

New media is represented by being interactive and mobile. In today's culture, media has grown to encompass our digital lives. There are specialized audiences where as old media was seen more as anonymous. Consumers can also be producers. For example, someone who may post something on a website, such as YouTube, gives free reign for someone else to take parts of that post and customize it to make something new. New media is ever changing and forms with the present culture.

acsiberry said...

New Media, according to lecture, focuses on on main topic: Convergence. New Media works with old media methods to become more interactive, unique, efficient, and relevant. New media allows for immediate results and responses, globalized spread of information, and a booming business. New media has provided our large world to seem generally smaller through progressive communication.

LeahPortnoy said...

New media is a late 20th-21st century term that encompasses all electronic means of communicating. For example, things like blogs, YouTube videos, Facebook, Twitter, etc. have become commonplace and are a convenient way of keeping in touch with others around the world and expressing oneself. It is interactive in the sense that anyone can view the material and provide their own interpretation and comments.

aohanlon3 said...

New media is digitally interactive, where the consumer is also a producer. It follows a many-to-many model with specialized audiences.

Isaac Howard said...

After today's lecture, I would say that what is new in new media is convergence. Unlike a more linear source to recipient media, New Media offers an almost unlimited combination of ways to interact.

Mike Wallace said...

New Media is the constant use and expansion of new technology. Lap tops ipods, cell phones, and Xbox 360 are but a few examples. Technology is constantly updating and evolving in todays world.

SarahC said...

As discussed in class, new media is interactive and mobile. It specializes to the audience, which can also be narrow casting. The consumers of new media are more of the producers as well, so they can be called "prosumers". New media is very prevalent today especially with the help of smart phones, the Internet, and popular culture.

Anonymous said...

As portrayed in the video we watched in class new media is everything! New media is the quickest and most efficient way to get news across the world. New media will never have a concrete definition, it is ever changing and updating as we have experienced media in our everyday lives. New media enables us to communicate with the world and become “prosumers” and lean away from the normal means of communications to explore endless opportunities.

michs09 said...

Michael LaBelle

New media is an expansion on old media that allows consumers/distributors to be connected instantly with each other.

Rachel Siekmann said...

New Media is the integration of mass media, computer and modern day telecommunications. It is highly interactive and networked, connecting the global village. I believe that the newest thing of new media is that people are able to access information anytime, from anywhere.

Rachel Siekmann said...

New Media is the integration of mass media, computer and modern day telecommunications. It is highly interactive and networked, connecting the global village. I believe that the newest thing of new media is that people are able to access information anytime, from anywhere.

Heather Seidenschmidt said...

New media is the convergence of all of the old media. It makes the products easy to use for the consumers. New media is actually everything around us. It needs to be specialized for certain audiences, allow the producer to be profitable, and be wanted/needed by the consumers.

Samantha Renteria said...

Our class discussion gave us six defining characteristics of new media: it is digital, interactive, audience generated, asynchronous, narrowcasted, and is presented in various multi-media forms. To encompass these six characteristics into one bullet point is to say that "new media" is that which evolves and changes with the technological capabilities of our time. Today that is defined by social media such as Facebook, Twitter, etc, and much else in a globalized society.

Amy Grace said...

What makes new media new is our ability to network, gather information from and communicate with whomever and wherever through advanced technologies. Old media was limited in output and the context was controlled. As we have entered and are established as an information society, anyone with access to technology can gain access to an innumerable amount of information . The business world has also used new media to their advantage.

LukeCavanagh said...

New Media is all forms of electronic communication, for example: Web Sites, email, web advertising and all forms of non - static media. As opposed to old media that involves static forms of media such as newspapers and magazines.

Vincep34 said...

New media is a non-linear form of media that connects society through convergence. The digitalization of information through means of the Internet has created a more interactive information experience; thus, the consumer becomes also the producer.

Vincep34 said...

New media is a non-linear form of media that connects society through convergence. The digitalization of information through means of the Internet has created a more interactive information experience; thus, the consumer becomes also the producer.

Amanda Schryver said...

What is new about new media is convergence, which is the integration of mass media, computers, and telecommunications. New media is interactive and mobile, which now supports a many-to-many model. Because of this shift, we have developed into a new breed called,"prosumers," where the consumer has now also become the producer.

LKDauer said...

What is new about new media compared to past societies is that new media is available 24/7 through a number of different channels. New media is also related to the past, but now how has the capability to build on the past faster and quicker then ever before.

Jen Payne said...

New media is the advancement of technology that allows the world and people to connect. It is changing the way our world functions. It is affecting the business, student, social, etc. way of life.

Kelly Rathbun said...

New media has developed from old media over time, and is both digital and interactive. New media can also be seen as global media, because it allows for the transmitting of information around the world. It is very important in today’s societies because it can be used to bring about change through channels such as social networks, Internet, and television. With new media, hegemonic nations have the ability to spread information around the world, while smaller nations are able to grow and develop. New media is leading to a smaller and globalized world.

lajurden said...

New media is media that is networked and interactive. Usually, new media is old media that is transferred into this form.

Unknown said...

New media is a way of conforming old medias out reach to the mass audience in a convenient out let. New media is a form of production that is transparent and a way for producers and consumers to easily interact. It is the new way of communicating with the ever-changing generations.

Derek Fadner said...

New media involves media used in the digital world. New media is also much more interactive than older more traditional forms of media.

Joey.E. said...

The "new" of new media comes from the fact that it isn't old media. Old media has inspired this "new" form of media. It is the switch from analog(old) to digital(new), from one-to-one communication(old) to one-to-many(new). It has been the switch from broadcasting, to now a more popular narrowcasting. It is new because it is the most recent.

shantel.latham said...

"New Media" is an interactive form of media that uses internet, blogs cellphones, podcast and many other digital forms a communication to reach a many to many audience.

EazyE said...

New media is a combination of the old technologies that we used to use, and new forms of technology to get information to more people.

EazyE said...

New media can also be the new forms of media that are used in todays culture.

Abigail said...

Based on lecture, new media is different from old media in the relationship between the consumer and producer. Today consumers can not only view media at any time they want, but can take the product, change it, and distribute it as a new product. The roles of consumer and producer are no longer clearly defined, anyone can be a prosumer. This increased interactivity gives the consumer much more control over the media process and creates a radically new way of looking at media.

carreonlytle said...

New Media is an evolving area of communication involving technology and ever changing mediums.