Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Reality TV: How older media forms influence newer media markets?

Technology is constantly evolving and changing. We live in a society where we are constantly striving for the bigger, newer, and better things. This has become apart of our culture. This culture of topping the newest things has affected our technology and media industries. It has resulted in an exponential growth in technology in the last 20 years. The editors of Big Think Articles stated, "We won’t experience 100 years of progress in the 21st century — it will be more like 20,000 years of progress (at today’s rate)," wrote Kurzweil in 2001. Just think about how much things have changed in the past 10 years—wireless internet, smart phones, Facebook and Twitter—and then try to imagine how vastly different things will be in 2021, or even 2100”.  Older forms of media influence new media markets. The older forms act as building blocks for the new media markets to build off of. For example, Radio led to the television industry and if it were not for the radio acting as a building block the Television and television networks would probably not exist. My specific case of how older forms of media inform newer media markets is reality TV. This genre of television all came about by radio. Alan Funt, a popular radio host of Candid mic, made his popular radio show into the first reality TV show, Candid Camera. This opened up the world to reality Television which has influenced other media markets such as social media, gaming and news. My specific example is the Kardashians, the stars of the reality TV show Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Ever since their reality TV show hit the big screen in 2007, they have experienced a huge fan base. This is called a parasocial relationship, or a one-sided relationship. Where as their fans feel like they know them personally because they see them in their everyday lives through their reality TV show. This has given the reality TV stars such as the Kardashians a platform that has changed out media markets. For instance, Kim Kardashian has 57 million followers on Twitter. Her presence on social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat have brought an audience to those sites as well causing social media to positively grow with TV. This is the same thing with the gaming and app industry. They have made games, such as Kim Kardashian’s: Hollywood Experience, and have even made endorsements for specific games. When these reality stars are making endorsements for these games or social media sites, because of the parasocial relationship, it makes their fan base feel like it is more of a friend recommendation then an endorsement. This brings more of an audience to these gaming and app media industries just because someone they like “uses” them too. Another media  industry Reality TV influences is the News outlets such as FOX, CNN, Late Night Shows, etc. For example, Kylie Kardashian pregnancy announcement made national news over the North Korean Nuclear war offset. The new media industry mindset of “give the consumer what they want” it has changes the News industry and the stories that they cover. Media industries are all linked together and act as building blocks to one another. 

Andrejevic, Mark. “Reality TV.” The international Encyclopedia   of Communication – Andrejevic – Wiley  Online Library,   John Wiley & Songs, Ltd, 5 June 2008,   Onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781405186407/  full.
Biressi, A., & Nunn, H. (2004). Reality TV: Realism and   revelation. London: Wallflower Press.
Kristin M. Barton, Reality Television Programming and   Diverging Gratification: the influence of Content on   Gratifications Obtained, 53 J. Broad. & Elec. Media

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