Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I will be presenting this Thursday on HBO, otherwise known as Home Box Office Inc. I am going to start my presentation defining some key terms from the chapter that apply to my topic of HBO. These key terms include cable television and pay TV. After I introduce the terms I will be talking about four different aspects of HBO with the first being the history. I will walk you through how it was started as the "Green Channel" and it was unsuccessful at first. I am then going to talk about some of its defining points such as satellite tv. Satellite TV gave it the boost it needed and it became the first national pay tv network. They then reached the masses they needed to for success through Teleprompter. I will also be talking about the court case of Home Box Office vs. FCC.
Next I will talk about HBO now. I will give a few statistics I found and talk about how HBO was not effected by the recession and was able to maintain profit. I am also going to talk about how it benefits its customers and their new app called HBO GO.
And the last part is about HBO in the future. During this part I will talk about the problems HBO faces with other competitors and how they are combating this competition with new technological advances.
Then i will conclude by stating that HBO is constantly adjusting its media forms based on old media forms. My discussion questions have to do with the future of HBO and if the class thinks it will soon be pushed down by its competitors or able to continually keep up with the means and expectations of new media forms.

1 comment:

Jen Payne said...

Today we talked about how HBO is continually adapting to new media norms. With competitors like Netflix, it makes HBO re-evaluate their strategies and pushes them to develop the same type or better forms of media. In relation to the theme of the week, I think HBO is a perfect example of old forms of media informing new forms. Starting with the old form of media such as cable being the base/foundation that satellite and pay tv spurred off of. This was just the beginning though. HBO continues to incorporate new media forms such as HD, on demand, and portable/available forms like HBO GO. HBO bases their new media off of their old media by looking at what failed or what succeeded.